The road leading out of Dunquin provides a brisk uphill walk to wake you right up this morning! Heading due north, the Dingle Way soon turns into a gravel path and rounds the shoulder of An Ghráig at 120m above sea-level. The route then descends and joins with the main road. After heading across grasslands and passing the small picturesque Clogher Beach, the Dingle Way skirts the cliffs where the full force of the Atlantic Ocean can be felt as waves come crashing in below.
Back on sealed roads, you proceed in a north-easterly direction. The trail comes to a T-junction where there has been a change recently. Ordnance Survey publications show the Dingle Way taking a left turn pointing in the direction of Ferriters Cove. The revised trail should now take a right followed by an immediate left and travelling up the east side of the golf course instead of the west.
Crossing the face of Smerwick Harbour, the Dingle Way touches nearly six kilometres of beach and bypasses Ballyferriter before finally reaching Murreagh and Ballydavid. Those wishing to take an earlier break at Ballyferriter should take the higher track along the sand dunes to spot the second turn-off for the town.
Walking Distance: 22 Km
Ascent: 100 m
Time: 5 - 6 hours
Accommodation: Guest House